Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Juggling Act

For many an artsy person, there is no black or white for jobs and careers. There's lots of grey:

"Should I keep trying to become a music teacher? Try to work in the music business? What about culinary school, I would LOVE to do that. I'm also good at photography....I need money. I want to do what I love/i'm good at/won't make me feel like a zombie."

I don't think this is so strange. But it sure is a juggling act.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Heebie Jeebies

If you think chalkboards are cringe worthy, try these on for size (get those fingernails/earplugs ready!):

1. Velvet
2. Newspaper
3. certain violins

Well, they make me cringe anyway.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Job well done...

Today, I have a job interview. Being in a creative field (music), having even gone to school for it (seems anomalous, I know); I feel very, very awkward. I know most graduates in college have a degree of insecurity, but I often feel most music/artsy people are hanging out on a limb.

Most of my friends (myself included) search for teaching jobs or try to find ourselves some kind of 9-5 job. Because at least then,the money will come in to live, we will feel some kind of self sufficiency and/or we will not feel like lazy citizens that do our countries no service!

I had an internship once. Two internships. Now this, whether it turns out to be a good experience or not, is something I recommend. This has gotten me every music related contact I might ever have. With internships, you are often doing very monotonous, rote, data-ish work. This is something you should expect.
The first one showed me all the work that goes on behind the scenes of promoting an artist, and I learned a lot. The second one, I learned nothing at all and was just a receptionist.

After that, I taught music.

So now it seems logical that I have two venues open for me: Music teaching, or the music industry. I wish it was more common for musicians to be able to make a living (a REAL living, not just a hobby) making music. Composing, performing solo, in ensembles, in bands. Not just some Hollywood dream. I don't want actual melodious music to become just a side thought.

Is it possible? This is something I strive to find out.

Friday, March 16, 2007

First thing's first....

There is always so much pressure with beginnings and endings...So,if these first posts sound extremely contrived and awkward, it just has to be. It's the beginning.

What will this blog be about? A lot of random (yet very important) things that are of interest to me. Will I find my niche in the blogging world? Maybe. Maybe not...

So, here we go...